Health Life Style

Maximize your morning with these tips

Maximize morning

Nowadays people tend to romanticize the practice of late-night slumber and late morning wake-ups, often due to work commitments that extend into the late hours. However, this habit is generally discouraged as rising early fosters better health and productivity. And it’s important to know how to make the most of your morning.

Here are some tips to maximize the potential of your mornings effectively.

Embrace the morning light

Our bodies work better when it’s light outside. As the day begins, we become more active and efficient. It’s good to wake up between 6 AM and 7 AM. The time you go to bed at night decides when you wake up the next day. If you sleep at 11 PM, waking up at 7 AM after 8 hours of sleep is best. If you can’t sleep for 8 hours, wake up at 6 AM after 7 hours. But it’s not good to sleep less than 6 hours, no matter what.

Turn off the alarm

As soon as the alarm stops, try to get up without thinking too much about it. That’s it!
Turn off the alarm right away when you wake up. Don’t press snooze for more sleep. The alarm sound makes our body release cortisol each time. Cortisol hormone is like a messenger that affects many things in our body. It helps control sugar levels in the blood, manages salt and sugar levels to keep blood pressure normal, helps digestion, reduces skin redness, and boosts memory.

Energize Yourself

It’s important to do things that energize you. Try activities in the morning that you enjoy and that give you the energy you need to have a productive day. You can do simple exercises, go for a run to get fresh air.
Morning exercise has benefits like lowering blood pressure, reducing stress, and easing anxiety. Exercise helps wake up your body and mind, making you more alert and ready to take on the day with enthusiasm. Taking a cold shower can also brighten your mood too. Morning showers increase immunity by stimulating your body to make new white blood cells.

Healthy foods and drinks

A nourishing breakfast sets the tone for a productive day. It’s better to have nutritious foods and drinks for breakfast. Colorful foods, eggs, milk, and nuts are the best items for a breakfast table. They contain vitamins and minerals which help boost our body energy.

The 12 Best Foods to Eat in the Morning

Make To- do list

Making a to-do list in the morning helps organize tasks and get work done faster. Put the most important tasks at the top of the list to make completing all the tasks easier.


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