Health Life Style

Dos and Don’ts for Monsoon Gastric Problems


Monsoon not only causes skin, eye, and joint difficulties, but also gastrointestinal troubles, thus it is important to take extra precautions during the rainy season to avoid gastric problems.

As seasonal changes take a toll on one’s gut health, health professionals offer some crucial actions one may take to preserve excellent gut health during rainy days.

Dr. Meghraj Ingle, Director and Senior Consultant Gastroenterology at Global Hospitals in Parel, Mumbai, advised following these simple techniques to avoid gastrointestinal troubles during the monsoon.

  •  Choose probiotics

They are beneficial to the gut. Consume yogurt and buttermilk. If necessary, seek the assistance of a professional.

  •  Drink plenty of water

This will aid in digestion and help the body clear toxins. It is recommended to drink at least 101-2 glasses of water every day. Remember that over hydrating the body can sometimes be harmful.

  •  Avoid eating raw vegetables

Instead, choose steamed or cooked vegetables. Raw vegetables may include germs and viruses that can cause stomach illnesses by altering intestinal health.

  •  Avoid eating raw fish

Because the water is polluted during the monsoons, consuming raw seafood such as sushi and sashimi can cause diarrhoea. Not only that, but junk, processed, and canned foods should be avoided.

  •  Limit sugary foods

Limit your consumption of ice cream, chocolates, candies, sweets, and desserts, which can cause inflammation in the body and make digestion difficult.

Source: Hindustan Times, Daily Sun


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