Featured Places

Unveiling Bangladesh’s top 5 Eidgahs: Tales of Tradition and Legacy

Eid, the festival of joy and unity, holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims around the world. In Bangladesh, Eid celebrations are marked by communal prayers held in spacious grounds known as Eidgahs. These Eidgahs not only serve as venues for prayers but also as centers of community gatherings and festivities. During the […]

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Events Featured

Pohela Boishakh: The festival of all Bengalis

There is a saying in Bangla that Bengalis celebrate ‘Baro Mashe Tero Parbon,’ which means thirteen festivals in twelve months. This indicates the abundance of festivity in Bangla. These festivals commence with Pohela Boishakh. Pohela Boishakh, the first day of the Bengali calendar, is celebrated in a festive manner in Bangladesh, West Bengal, Tripura, Jharkhand […]

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